Apr 13, 2012 – 8:15 PM ET | Last Updated: Apr 13, 2012 8:23 PM ET
For the millions of Canadians who regularly take their chances on the 6/49, it may come as a shock that no matter which kiosk they choose or how long they line up, they'll never get a shot one of the biggest jackpots in Canadian history.
Over the next few years the country's mutual insurance companies are expected to convert from mutual status to a shareholder owned structure, paving the way for billions of dollars to be doled out.
But who will get the cash? The millions of policy holders who shell out hundreds of dollars a month as part of a legal obligation to cover their house and car from liability, or a select group that is much closer to the insurance companies themselves?
In total there are about 106 mutual property and casualty insurers in Canada with a collective surplus of as much as $6-billion, according to Normand Lafrenière, president of the Canadian Association of Mutual Insurance Companies.
Last June Finance Minister Jim Flaherty announced plans to create a framework to enable players to demutualize in a fair and transparent way. The idea is that by abandoning their co-op status in favour of a modern, public company structure, players can become more competitive and transparent, better able to compete in an increasingly global industry.
Demutualization would also unlock value built up in many cases over five or six generations, enabling companies to transfer surplus capital to the owners of that capital, who can then decide whether to reinvest it back in the company, or put it to more productive use.
Analysts say the test case is Economical Insurance Group, one of the largest property and casualty insurers in Canada, with operations across the country and more than 700,000 policies outstanding. Formed in 1871 by a group of farmers and local residents, the Waterloo-Ont.-based company is now sitting on a surplus of $1.3-billion.
Last May, Economical's board indicated that after 140 years as a mutual company it is considering a demutualization, the first property and casualty company to take the step.
If the industry follows the route taken by the big life insurers which demutualized at the end of the 1990s, the money would get distributed in the form of shares to "participating policy holders." Such policies are similar to plain vanilla cash policies except they also entitle the holder to a vote at company annual meetings. Among the lifecos, participating policies were widely sold, held by hundreds of thousands of Canadians who were suddenly the beneficiaries of a major windfall.
But here's the twist. Like a handful of other property and casualty companies, Economical was very selective about who got to own its participating policies. While it has more than 700,000 cash policies outstanding, there are only 943 mutual policyholders — about 0.2% of the total. According to the company, about one-third are held by company executives and brokers.
If the surplus gets distributed evenly to this upper tier, each holder would stand to collect a life-changing $1.3-million.
While the process around Economical has mostly escaped the gaze of the major media, it's created a huge stir in Waterloo. In the mid-sized city about an hour east of Toronto neighbours are scrutinizing neighbours — Economical is a top employer in the community — for signs of impending wealth.
Adding to the suspense, the timeline for demutualization is far from certain, and indeed even the plan itself has become subject to speculation as players wait for Ottawa to come out with the promised legal framework for demutualization.
The government has been far from clear with their policy intentions. When the plan was unveiled in last year's budget, it included a public comment period, with submissions to be posted on the Department of Finance website. It was widely anticipated that proposed rules would be presented by the end of 2011. Yet the more than 80 submissions were not made public and nearly four months into 2012 there is still no word on the demutualization framework.
According to Jack Aubry, a spokesman for the Finance Ministry, the government decided that because many of the submissions contain "personal or sensitive information," they would not be released. But Ottawa is still forging ahead with demutualization rules, he said. (Not all of Canada's 106 mutual insurers are federally registered, but analysts predict that once Ottawa puts its rules in place, the provinces would follow suit.)
Observers speculate that Mr. Flaherty has run into unexpected opposition from groups ranging from independent insurance brokers to the Canadian Association of Mutual Insurance Companies, who argue that it would be unfair to hand over the value insurance companies such as Economical built up over more than a century to policy holders who may have bought their policies as recently as five years ago.
"The demutualization of property and casualty insurers raises a series of conceptual and practical problems," said the Insurance Brokers Association of Canada in its submission. "The assets of a mutual are essentially community assets built-up over the generations of those living in the community."
The Canadian Association of Mutual Insurance Companies goes further, calling it a process that amounts to "legalized robbery of past generations."
The demutualization of the life insurance industry is generally regarded as a success, resulting in the transfer of more than $20-billion to average Canadian policy holders.
But critics say property and casualty companies are different because their contracts typically last only a year or two, making it difficult to argue that policy holders are entitled to surpluses built up over such a long time.
The situation at Economical is particularly complicated because there are so few mutual policies.
How were mutual policies offered to customers? How did it come to be that company employees and brokers ended up with so may mutual policies? Are they now the rightful owners of Economical?
These are all questions that must be addressed if the company follows through on its plan to award its $1.3-billion surplus only to mutual policy holders, making almost a thousand instant millionaires.
One way to look at the process in Ottawa is that perhaps the government is concerned it's facing a no-win situation.
If it allows payers like Economical to hand over ownership to a tiny group made up partly of company insiders, the demutualization would likely be seen by the public as unfair. If on the other hand the government takes a stronger role and forces companies to distribute their surpluses more widely to all policy holders, it runs the risk of being tarred as too interfering.
According to Steve Masnyk, a spokesman for the Insurance Brokers Association of Canada, Mr. Flaherty has decided to throttle back on his demutualization strategy.
"The government is intending to move [on the issue], but priorities come and go and clearly this has been put down the ladder."
The problem is further complicated by disagreement among industry groups such as brokers, some of who have invested in mutual policies for themselves despite the critical stance of their association.
These brokers worry that they might face lawsuits from cash policy holders angry they were not given the opportunity to buy mutual policies. Economical recently brought them onside by agreeing to cover any legal costs they might face related to such suits.
"Economical reviewed this concern that some of our brokers raised a year ago," said Karen Gavan, the chief executive. "We determined then that while our view is that these claims are unlikely to be successful, Economical has agreed to protect our broker partners against the costs of defending against any such claims."
Mutual insurers looking to demutualize like Economical generally argue that conversion to a public company structure will enable them better access to capital markets, rendering them better able to grow and compete internationally. But another, potentially more important, reason is that converting to a shareholder structure would help improve corporate governance, which is sorely lacking at many companies.
Technically, Economical is governed by its 943 mutual policy holders. But it wasn't until last year that the company even disclosed the number. Up until then, there was no public information on the matter, so few mutual policy holders had any idea about how important their votes were and the extraordinary level of power they wielded.
"Each policy has only one vote, so the way you control it is to keep everyone in the dark," said a senior industry insider. "That's what it boils down to."
"How do you buy one of Economical's mutual policies?" asks the Canadian Association of Mutual Insurance Companies's Normand Lafrenière. "How do you get to own one? You need to be in the know, you need to be connected to even know that they exist."
Critics say that many mutual companies are run, not by their mutual policy holders, but by senior management, thanks to, among other things, low understanding of their rights combined with a general lack of transparency.
Clearly, Ottawa is facing a major challenge as it tries to create a fair set of rules. But while the process may be taking longer than expected, the government does not appear to be backing down. According to Mr. Aubry, the proposed demutualization framework will be published along with summaries of the public comments in the Canada Gazette.
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