Friday, June 29, 2012

0745-Americans must have car and home insurance so why not health insurance? - (blog)

Some conservatives are today lamenting the death of America and the end of the Constitution, but others think perhaps they are simply drama queens. They point a glaring finger at Justice John Roberts, forgetting he is a judge who considers each case on its own merits. Certainly, if in good conscious Stevens could have sided with the rest of the conservative bloc, he would have, but apparently Roberts wants to keep his good conscious. The Obama health care law, for all its pages, is really very simple. All Americans deserve access to affordable health care, regardless of their current health status, and those who can afford it must get health insurance by 2014. 

What is so complicated about that?  In most states all car owners must have insurance. When you buy a new home using a mortgage you must get home insurance. It's uncanny that some conservatives are shocked Americans will now have to get health insurance, either through an employer or on their own. 

The conservative argument that the federal government will be subsidizing health care for poor lazy citizens is laughable. Individuals will have to pay for their own insurance, and for those who are truly poor or disabled, the government will assist them as it always has - to some degree. Because there are people who take advantage of the government, does this mean the remaining millions of lower and middle-class working Americans should be punished for it and be denied access to health insurance?  No it does not, and Americans today and perhaps decades into the future have one man to thank for ObamaCare. Ironically, it's not liberal Barack Obama - it's conservative Supreme Court Justice John Roberts. - Preston Brady III, 

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